The Wrecking Crew movie poster

From the Wall of Sound to The Wrecking Crew

As the business of music continues to evolve it’s key to stay in tune with where it’s been. On March 13 “The Wrecking Crew” documentary film opened in theaters in LA and NYC, but it also released on, On Demand … Continue reading From the Wall of Sound to The Wrecking Crew

A twist in life…

Twist in Life - going past
A twist in life and going past it.

I had a contract (freelance) job as Production Manager at (COMPANY) Entertainment Studios and worked three days. No, that was not the contract term.

I got a call this morning from my rep at the creative agency I freelance through just before I was walking out the door to go to work. He told me not to go to work, that the company was ending my contract. Damn it, that really threw me a curve.

For a change, I was attempting to work for a company that was essentially a start-up, entertainment studio (publishing, film, music, online entertainment, game apps, collectable merchandise).  It was exciting and the properties that the company creates are adventurous, fun and relevant for the audience they want to engage.  In fact I felt it was a very refreshing change to the mostly super structured, corporate entertainment companies I have worked at very successfully for over 25 years.  Yup, twenty five years of success with a few Continue reading “A twist in life…”